
“We cannot predict the future, but we can shape it.”
| In memoriam: Klemens Haselsteiner, CEO of STRABAG SE
“We cannot predict the future, but we can shape it.”

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Estudiantes de Ingeniería de Recursos Minerales de la Universidad de Leoben visitan la sede de STRABAG ZUBLIN en Chile
Estudiantes de Ingeniería de Recursos Minerales de la Universidad de Leoben visitan la sede de STRABAG ZUBLIN en Chile

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Magotteaux reconoce a STRABAG ZÜBLIN por su contribución a la economía circular en la construcción y la minería.
Magotteaux reconoce a STRABAG ZÜBLIN por su contribución a la economía circular en la construcción y la minería.

STRABAG ZÜBLIN aborda el futuro como su mayor proyecto de construcción asumiendo importantes compromisos medioambientales. La empresa se ha asociado con Magotteaux para minimizar la huella medioambiental del acero y ya ha recibido un reconocimiento por sus avances.

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Magotteaux recognises STRABAG ZÜBLIN for its contribution to the circular economy in construction and mining.
Magotteaux recognises STRABAG ZÜBLIN for its contribution to the circular economy in construction and mining.

STRABAG ZÜBLIN takes on the future as its biggest construction project by embracing major environmental commitments. The company has partnered with Magotteaux to minimize the environmental footprint of steel and has already received an award for its efforts.

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Mineral Resources Engineering Students from University of Leoben Visit STRABAG ZUBLIN's Headquarters in Chile
Mineral Resources Engineering Students from University of Leoben Visit STRABAG ZUBLIN's Headquarters in Chile

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ACHS recognizes El Teniente mine's Proyecto Interior Mina for safety management
ACHS recognizes El Teniente mine's Proyecto Interior Mina for safety management

STRABAG ZÜBLIN received an important recognition for the prevention and protection of more than 1,000 workers, after having completed a year without incapacitating accidents at El Teniente. The company's main focus will continue to be on the safety and protection of work teams.

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STRABAG subsidiary ZÜBLIN receives orders worth more than € 280 million in Chile
STRABAG subsidiary ZÜBLIN receives orders worth more than € 280 million in Chile

  • Contract extensions for the Candelaria Norte and El Teniente mines
  • ZÜBLIN involved in these projects for 16 and 30 years respectively

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STRABAG SE Annual Report 2019
STRABAG SE Annual Report 2019

STRABAG SE  builds 2020 on records of the past year

  • After output volume and order backlog earnings on record level, too
  • EBIT +8 % to € 603 million, EBIT margin at 3.8 %
  • As reported, Management and Supervisory Board propose a reduced and conditioned dividend of € 0.90 per share
  • Outlook 2020: Output volume approx. € 14.4 billion, EBIT margin of at least 3.5 %

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ZÜBLIN awarded mining contracts for € 500 million in Chile
ZÜBLIN awarded mining contracts for € 500 million in Chile

  • Two new long-term mining contracts in El Teniente Mine
  • Main scope: excavation of 32.5 km of tunnels

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ZÜBLIN extends mining contract in Chile
ZÜBLIN extends mining contract in Chile

  • contract value amounts to € 65 million

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ZÜBLIN wins important contract Candelaria Norte Minero of €130 million in Chile
ZÜBLIN wins important contract Candelaria Norte Minero of €130 million in Chile

- Contract renewal for another 4-years with Minera Candelaria Norte, part of the Lundin Mining Group.
- 36,000 meters horizontal development

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A Job Well Done
A Job Well Done

A Job Well Done

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STRABAG takes on another section of Alto Maipo hydropower project in Chile – contract value raised by € 800 million
STRABAG takes on another section of Alto Maipo hydropower project in Chile – contract value raised by € 800 million

  • Additional construction section “Yeso/Volcán System”
  • Financial close concluded successfully

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STRABAG SE surpasses last year's records 2016
STRABAG SE surpasses last year's records 2016

  • EBIT +6 % to € 448 million, EBIT margin at 3.3. %, earnings per share at € 2.72
  • Proposed dividend of € 1.30 per share (2016: € 0.95 per share) – this would be the highest dividend since IPO
  • Outlook 2018 confirmed: EBIT margin of at least 3 % targeted

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STRABAG SE Annual Report 2016
STRABAG SE Annual Report 2016

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STRABAG SE intends to confirm EBIT margin of at least 3 percent as sustainable
STRABAG SE intends to confirm EBIT margin of at least 3 percent as sustainable

  • Order backlog at end of 2016 at record high of € 14.8 billion (+13 %)

  • Output volume in 2016 down 6 % to € 13.5 billion

  • 2017 forecast: output volume to grow to at least € 14.0 billion, EBIT margin ≥ 3 %

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STRABAG SE rating of BBB confirmed by S&P
STRABAG SE rating of BBB confirmed by S&P

  • Investment grade rating BBB, outlook “stable”

  • Progress in increase of profitability

  • Strengths: stable margins, strong market positions, comfortable liquidity situation

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STRABAG subsidiary Züblin awarded € 400 million contract in Chile
STRABAG subsidiary Züblin awarded € 400 million contract in Chile

  • Transformation of Chuquicamata Copper Mine into an underground operation

  • Construction works until 2021

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STRABAG subsidiary Züblin to expand world’s largest copper mine in Chile
STRABAG subsidiary Züblin to expand world’s largest copper mine in Chile

  • Follow-up order for the expansion of El Teniente Mine in Chile

  • Contract value € 100 million

  • Contract makes Züblin one of the biggest construction companies in underground mining in Chile

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STRABAG awarded € 900 million concession project in Colombia
STRABAG awarded € 900 million concession project in Colombia

  • 176 km motorway Autopista al Mar 1

  • Design-build-finance-operate contract over 25 years

  • Construction volume in the middle triple-digit million Euro area, STRABAG’s share 37.5 %

  • STRABAG’s first project in Colombia

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